What drives people to scrub the grit from between the tiles on their kitchen floor?
To get up and face work each day. To get married or divorced. To have kids. To fight in wars. To talk to someone they don't know at the supermarket. To write. To open their hearts to someone new. To lie. To cheat. To steal. To be kind.
It amazes me that we continue to do and to move and to grow despite everything that happens to us.
And it's not like human beings are distinct in this respect. Insects, plants, and animals are similarly resilient in their ability to continue regardless of their circumstances.
This makes me believe that life has no choice but to continue. It is boundless in its ability to thrive even in the face of disaster, war, or pestilence.
Which is why I don't believe life is sacred. If it were sacred, no one would die. No person would hurt another. Something would guard life, keep it safe, and we would live forever.
Instead, life is necessary. It has no choice but to continue, to attempt to thrive, attempt to exist, attempt to persist.
It's a force to be reckoned with, for good and for evil.